Friendship (Thai Movie) – Review

Hey guys! I just finished watching a Thai movie entitled Friendship. I really wanted to watch this movie so I really made it a point to grab my own copy. I admit that I want to watch this movie because of Mario Maurer. But after watching the movie, I learned to appreciate the other characters of the movie as well. So here’s the storyline of the movie before I give you my review.


Adult Singha (Jetrin Wattanasin) receives a call from Jack, a friend from school. Jack sets up a high school reunion where young Singha (Mario Maurer) meets with the rest of his buddies from back in the day, including Song (the owner of a grocery shop), Kanda (Song’s wife, a chubby lady who thinks she’s so fierce), Jud Duang (a famous actor), Pong (a DJ who loves to tell horror stories) and Jack (a cool, artistic tomboy who works a stylist for a top magazine) When the entire bunch meets again, it brings back a lot of fun memory. The conversation goes on until Singha starts talking about his first and only love, Mituna (Apinya Sakuljaroensuk), a new student who transferred during the last year. Singha’s memory about Mituna is weaved into a story once again. (credits to asianwiki)

I really didn’t pay much attention to the beginning of the film because I thought it was kind of boring. But when I got to the part wherein the old Singha started to reminisce, that’s the time wherein I became attentive. There are parts of the film that are funny, sad and you will really feel what the characters are feeling. I guess some of the artists portrayed their character well. It was really a sad ending seeing that Mituna died. Mituna, after being raped by 3 guys caught HIV and she only got to meet Singha again once. Such a tragic ending but such a good story. I recommend that you guys watch this movie with your friends. I rate this movie 8 points out of 10. 🙂